Hydrogen: a renewable energy perspective

2021-03-04 14:28:25Industry trends1344

Clean hydrogen is enjoying unprecedented political and commercial momentum, and the number of policies and projects around the world is expanding rapidly. Further acceleration of efforts is essential to ensure that hydrogen energy can occupy a large share of the energy system in the coming decades.

In recent years, two main factors have contributed to the growth of hydrogen: the cost of hydrogen production from renewable energy has declined and continues to decline, while the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions has increased. Many countries have begun to take actions to promote decarbonization in economic development, especially at the level of energy supply and demand. Over the past two decades, the debate on hydrogen has gradually evolved, and people's attention has shifted from the application of the automotive industry to the energy intensive industries that are difficult to decarbonize, such as trucks, aviation, shipping and heating applications.

Ensuring a low-carbon, clean hydrogen supply is critical.