Opening of the International Conference on hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicles

2021-03-04 14:23:33Industry trends1332, China on the 26th, more than 1500 guests from the United Nations Development Programme, the EU fuel cell and hydrogen energy cooperation organization, the China Society of automotive engineering, domestic and foreign government departments, international organizations, industry associations and key enterprises gathered in Rugao to participate in the Fourth International Conference on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles and contribute ideas to the development of the international hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle industry.

The International Conference on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles, jointly sponsored by the international hydrogen and fuel cell association and the Chinese society of automotive engineering, has become an annual event for the world's hydrogen and fuel cell technology developers, fuel cell vehicle manufacturers, investors in the hydrogen and fuel cell field and government policy makers, and is known as the "Davos Forum" in the global new energy field. Rugao was designated as the permanent site of the conference last year.

According to xuhuimin, mayor of Nantong, last year, the output value of Nantong's new energy and new energy automobile industry exceeded 130billion yuan, ranking among the three major new energy automobile production bases in the province. At present, the city is accelerating the "hydrogen economy demonstration city" project, actively participating in the construction of the "hydrogen corridor" in the Yangtze River Delta, and building a hydrogen energy industry base with global competitiveness and influence.

On the same day, Shanghai, Nantong, Rugao, Changshu and other places signed the agreement on the implementation plan of the Yangtze River Delta fuel cell vehicle integration demonstration. More than 110 hydrogen energy fuel cell related enterprises from around the world held exhibitions on the latest technologies and products at the same time.